I'm Joining Appirio!

appirioLogoAfter almost two year at Informa I'm leaving for an opportunity at Appirio that I cannot pass up. I'm looking forward to some exciting Salesforce.com projects at Appirio and hopefully I can even dabble in GAE/J and maybe even Google Wave. I'll be heading to San Mateo for training the middle of July.

I was a little reluctant to leave Informa as the people are great and the work is very challenging. I've had the chance to work on some really cool projects:

  1. Apex/Visualforce pilot when it originally rolled out
  2. Sites pilot program
  3. Ideas pilot program
  4. Force.com Google App Engine for Java pilot
  5. Global SSO rollout with Sxip and Ping Identity
  6. Salesforce.com and SAP R/3 integration using the SAP Java Connector (JCo)
  7. A ton of Apex and Visualforce!
  8. Numerous Flex applications using the Force.com for AIR and Flex Toolkitand Adobe BlazeDS
  9. .NET and Java applications support integrations and external functionality

If you are interested in a Salesforce.com developer position at Informa, please drop me a line and I can send you the job description.